Its a continuing trend in all things holistic. They are versatile, aromatic, powerful, and if you know your stuff they can also be very rewarding. Essential Oils have as many believers as they do doubters and most of the time its because there is a cloud of mystery among oils. Especially because many people attribute some essential oils to their revitalized health. But there is no magic or ritual that follows essential oils. We are just harnessing what plants have mastered and created over many years to survive in the world. If you are new to essential oils or just need a quick reference then this article is a good start. We are going over what essential oils are, how they are made, and some advice on shopping for the best oils.
Essential Oil: A fine oily substance that is derived from parts of a plant. This substance is used to support the plant in environmental stress, fungal infections, parasite infestations, and reach homeostasis.
The two types of methods to extract essential oils are Cold Pressing or Distillation. Depending on what plant part you are dealing with, you can determine which method will work best. Cold Pressing involves applying pressure on a wide surface until the fine essential oils are literally squeezed out. Many citrus oils go through a cold press method to preserve their delicate but aromatic molecules. The second method is Steam Distillation and involves a set of chambers that utilize water molecules in steam to carry the essential oil as it collects and separates from the water in a final chamber. Below is a simplified diagram of the process.
Although the extraction method may be the same for most oils each oil is uniquely different. Each one has a powerful effect on a specific a body system, can help with a variety of ailments, balance an emotion, or even help around the house. This diversity is due to their different molecular structures. All oils interact with our body in different ways to cause homeostasis, a balancing effect on the body. In part three of our Essential Oil series, we will go over the details of metabolic processes and effects on the body. In this article we are focusing on where oils come from.
When it comes to essential oils, quality comes first and we always say do your research before investing hundreds of dollars. Not every lemon grows the same in every region, let alone the same every season. Factors like region, supplier, extraction process, and even testing procedures all contribute to the overall quality. Avoid products with any type of synthetic or fragrance oils on their labels. Some companies dilute their essential oils with carrier oils for lower price points.If you don't have time check the ingredients ensure you're getting the most pure product . There are many essential oil companies out there and depending on what your'e looking for, certain ones may suit you better. At the end of the day if you want the biggest impact your'e going to have to look into higher purer quality oils.
Thank you for reading! We hope everyone has a better understanding of what essential oils are and where they come from. We have an online shop that offers Essential Oils from DoTerra, an Essential Oil Company that we trust, at a discounted price. We encourage everyone to read our entire series. We also offer essential oil classes: One-on-one sessions or groups of two to five are available in San Diego County.
Click here to move onto the next post in the series:
Part II Essential Oils - Carrier Oils and Application